Monday, March 2, 2015


Some say this kind of dexterity is otherworldly.


Worshiping the B'aals can lead to a world of hurt.

So the girl has always been a little out there, right?  I remember when we thought she was a black girl, and the most dangerous thing she said was,
"Dance and sing, get up and do your thing!"


Many of us consider ourselves members of the Christian faith.  I know I do.  But as I watched this Grammy performance, I had to ask myself:  "What am I really being exposed to here?  Trying to do research regarding what Miss Ciccone might be really getting at is kinda creepy.

It's almost as unnerving as the Grammy performance itself.

Clearly, a tableau such as this defies all description as 'entertainment' or poetic license.  

It is a celebration of the satanic, plain and simple.  Even some of the tattoos on her cabal of dancers are instructive.  The level of  depravity it must require to dance for Madonna defies contemplation.

I watched this performance with my children, and a chill crossed my soul.

When Pharrell Williams felt compelled to confess Christ at the end of his gothed-up rendition of "Happy," I was convinced that Madonna is using her fame to promote godlessness.

But.  Pride goeth...  


before a fall.  

TMZ has a gif of the spill Madonna took that shows some fast feet for a 50+ year-old.

Sheer will to get her message out seems to be the only thing that kept her going.  She was a little breathless in her delivery of those suspect lyrics, though, wasn't she?

Who tied that Armani cape?  A believer?  Did she do it to herself?

The Mighty Hand of God reached out and yanked Aulde Gurl back to reality.  

But will she stay there?  I think not, unfortunately.

The real question for me is this:

  How much is too much?  How far is too far?  If nothing is sacred, is everything permissible?

I don't think so.  It is a miracle that Madonna was not seriously hurt here.  Will she see it as a message from God?  I sure hope so.

It seems that Madonna has exchanged arcane Catholicism for mainstream devil worship.  Do we all have to go along with it?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

What's Eating Little North?


What in the world is eating little North?  She oughta be the happiest baby there is.  Somehow, though, whenever we see her, she looks distraught, upset, just plain miserable.  Are Kim and Kanye so exalted that no one will tell them their fame is damaging their daughter?  Her little psyche seems mighty, mighty afflicted.

We've all heard how Kim insists that Nouri (less ridiculous than being named for a direction, surely) is cuter than Blue Ivy Carter.  Was that her ratonale for schlepping the poor thing to Fashion Week and plopping her down between Bey and Anna Frickin Wintour?  

Wintour's face and body language is priceless as the baby flames out for a global audience.  Beyonce and Jay-- to their inestimable credit--look like mom and dad 'bout to blow a gasket.  


Kimmie, that's who.  She seems to have no concept as to what is appropriate for the little tyke, although the best child-rearing help money can buy is so, so, available to her!  As Bobbi Kristina Brown fights for her life, are this couple so far up in the stratosphere that they cannot conceive of a similar fate for their own child?  

Some stars won't let you see their kids until they are grown.  Cindy Crawford and Sofia Vergara come to mind.  Gloria Esteban is another mom who endeavored to keep her children out of the limelight.  They have hope of normal lives, because they can walk down the street unrecognized.

I like Kim Kardashian.  I think she is really beautiful.  Clearly, she has a good business sense and is a hard worker.

In spite of all that, the girl seems to have some real self-concept issues.  Innumerable selfies, glorification of a butt that would have shamed her less than a generation ago, and an insatiable appetite for publicity make her a figure worth pitying.  A broke-ass single mom like me can feel some kind of satisfaction (Is it hate? I hope not.) knowing that I woulda picked that baby up, or put her in a stroller, cold as it is in a February New York!

But then, I'm superimposing my life choices over Kim's.  I've no frame of reference for her lifestyle.  None at all.  Maybe I'd be just as obtuse and superficial as she is, if I'd never had to struggle for anything.

Someone described Kim as treating little North "like a fashion accessory."  I think that's a fair assessment.  If she doesn't want her living doll to hate her one day, she should leave her at home with the nannies who love her.

